Dr Thobeka Zondi
Research & Development Facilitator
Lecture (University of Cape Town) | Post-Grad Supervisor (MANCOSA) | Facilitator (Remould Academy)
Hello! This is my story.
Dr Thobeka is a Public Administration Lecturer at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in the Political Studies Department, South Africa. She holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and has a diverse academic background, including a BSocSc in Geography and Environmental Management, an MPA in Public Administration, and an MCom in Leadership Studies. Over the past seven years, she has been actively engaged in academic and policy-focused research and evaluation projects in South Africa.
Zondi’s expertise spans a wide range of areas, including Climate Change, Service Delivery, Research Methodology, Public Opinion Surveys, Institutional Development, Governance & Democracy, Local Government, Public Policy Analysis, Socio-Economic Rights, Gender & Social Inclusion, and Sustainability. Her contributions to various projects at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) have resulted in reports and publications.
My Education
My Experience
Basic Programming: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Introduces programming concepts using beginner-friendly lang
Forms of Entrepreneurship (Types of Businesses)
Entrepreneurship takes various forms, including small busine